Canada VFR flight plan 12.

12 FL91C12 Yukon flight from Dawson CYDA to Dawson CYDY

VFR flight in Yukon territory along Alaska USA border from MSFS

detailed Dawson City CYDA to north coast Dawson City CYDY.

781km, 5000ft general altitude, 2.5 hours in Caravan at 155 kts.

Time under 90 minutes in airliner like a320neo at 350 knots.

Heay use of user created waypoints, over 35.

Departure Dawson CYDA runway 21 1548m 1209ft alt.

Destination Dawson CYDY runway 25 1080m 07ft alt.

There are 5 airfields on the flight plan, one is in USA.

*Yes there are 3 airports named Dawson on flight plan.

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