Repaint of Spitfire LF Mk IXe (PV181). flown by W/Cdr Rolf Arne Berg, the CO of No 132 (Norwegian) Fighter Wing: the aircraft carried his initials. In autumn 1944 he ordered the pre-war Norwegian air force markings to be applied to his Spitfire. However, the SHAEF did not approve of this non-standard scheme, and in January 1945 W/Cdr Berg was requested to remove them. Berg was shot down by Flak and killed over Eeide in this airkcraft, on 3rd of February 1945 (source:


Known issues:

The flag banner on the prop cone disappears when the prop spins. Have yet to figure out how to apply the PropConeBlurred texture. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to @Ironmaid91, and the people in the facebook group "Information Alfa, flyhistorie fra A til Å." for helping to make this as historivally correct as possible.