
This archive contains a set of 3 map themes that you can add to your installation of the excellent free and open-source flight planning software, navigation tool, mobile map, airport search, and airport information system that is Little Navmap (LNM):

Swiss Aeronautical ICAO

The official 1:500'000 aeronautical map of Switzerland depicts the locations of airports and airfields, air space, restricted and danger zones, plus air traffic control information for Switzerland and its neighboring countries.

Swiss Mil Pilot

The Swiss MIL Pilot Chart is an aeronautical map created jointly by skyguide, swisstopo and the Swiss Air Force. It is specially tailored to the needs of Swiss Air Force operations.

Swiss Glider

Aeronautical map of Switzerland containing specific air traffic control information for gliders.


Simply extract the 3 folders included in the archive and copy them in your Little Navmap “Map Display Themes” folder. More details here.

You have to restart Little Navmap to see the new map themes.

The map theme can be changed in main menu View -> Theme, as described here.

Terms of use

The terms of use for free geodata and geoservices are described at the following address:


©swisstopo - These themes are based on the official geodata of the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo.